Saturday, November 22, 2008

Spring Cleaning in a Wetland Garden

(I'm going through old photos, posting them regardless of season.)
Signs don't always have power to dictate reality, but at this spot in Durham, on a sunny day in mid-April, 2006, reality reflected very well the sign's brave pronouncement.

A wetland garden needs little care, but for a couple key points in the year. We leave the previous year's growth in place through the winter and early spring, so the city mowing crews have a clear visual cue as to the boundaries of the garden.

Then, when spring's new growth was high enough not to be mistaken for grass, ECWA board member Steve Cohn and family pulled out the old, dead stems so they wouldn't shade out the new growth.

Before long, any remnants of last year's stems will disappear beneath the lush growth of Iris, Amsonia, cutleaf coneflower and other showy native wildflowers that thrive in this wet ground.

The wetland garden is located at the Durham City reservoir, just down the slope from Hillsborough Road.

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